Fast, Flat & Windy

Mai 2025

111 km rund um Sylt Einzel + Staffeln

104,2 km – City of Westerland

Westerland – the good old Sölring metropolis, awaits us.

After the last few kilometers seemed to stretch on, we finally get back among people, and a lot of them at that. Starting from the so-called “Himmelsleiter” (literally “Stairway to Heaven”, which are just a few steps leading to the beach, but names are creatively used here), we move along almost the entire Westerland promenade. Normally, you’d need to present your spa card to enjoy this route, but today your race number is your ticket.

The last refreshment station awaits you at the Musikmuschel (Music Shell). It’s one of the most exposed locations on the island. Finally, spectators! While many might not know what an ultra-marathon is, they’ll certainly be drawn to the spectacle. Even those unfamiliar with the sport can provide motivation for the final 7 km. And at this point, every nod of appreciation is cherished. Otherwise, only your Strava buddies would know of your achievement.

And if you’ve already ruined your average time, don’t worry. Here, people take their time to stroll leisurely, allowing you to seamlessly join the crowd and ponder whether some of the building permits from the 70s would still be granted today. By now, you’ve observed all the architectural types the island has to offer, with the high-rise hotels being the last on the list.

But that doesn’t detract from the popularity and unique charm of this place, with the North Sea always by your side.

The last few kilometers are consistently well-paved. However, just before the finish line, there’s a brief 400-meter stretch through the dunes at the “Rotes Kliff” (Red Cliff), ensuring you definitely finish with sand in your shoes.

And then, you should have made it. In Kampen, a beach chair awaits you, or you can recreate the famous Jever beer advertisement amidst the dunes.

It’s all refreshingly bold, depending on your taste.

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Mai 2025